
class cued_datalogger.api.pyqtgraph_extensions.ColorMapPlotWidget(parent=None, cmap='jet')

Bases: cued_datalogger.api.pyqtgraph_extensions.InteractivePlotWidget

An InteractivePlotWidget optimised for plotting color(heat) maps. Uses the Matplotlib colormap given by cmap to color the map.


lookup_table (ndarray) The lookup table generated from cmap to colour the image with
num_contours (int) The number of different colour levels to plot
contour_spacing (int) How closely spaced the colour levels are


plot_colormap(x, y, z, num_contours=5, contour_spacing_dB=5)

Plot x, y and z on a colourmap, with colour intervals defined by num_contours at contour_spacing_dB intervals.