
Addons (extra extension scripts) may be written to extend the functionality of the DataLogger.

Addon structure

See cued_datalogger/addons/ and cued_datalogger/addons/ for examples of addons.

Addons must all be structured according to the That is:


# Put metadata about this addon here
addon_metadata = {
        "name": "<name>",
        "author": "<author>",
        "description": "<description>",
        "category": "<category>"}

# Master run function - put your code in this function
def run(parent_window):
    # Your addon functions
    <any user defined functions>
    # Your addon code:
    <code goes here>

Header (#cued_datalogger_addon): This informs the cued_datalogger that this is an addon file.

Metadata (addon_metadata): Contains information about the addon. Displayed in the Addon Manager. Addons are sorted according to their "category".

Main code (run()): The actual addon code is all kept under the run() function. This is the function that is called when the addon is run. Only variables, functions, classes etc defined within run() will be accessible by the addon, so don’t put any code outside of run().

In an addon, it is possible to:

  • Import modules
  • Define functions, classes and variables
  • Access widgets, attributes, and methods of the parent_window (eg. to plot data in the Analysis Window, or to do calculations with the current data)
  • Display popups and Qt dialog boxes

And probably a lot of other things as well.

Addon Manager

Addons are normally run through the AddonManager.