

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget

A widget used in the Global Toolbox to select channels.

This widget is used as the master controller of what channels are selected. It allows channel selection by checkboxes, an ‘Invert Selection’ button, a ‘Select All’ button, a ‘Deselect All’ button, and Matlab-style list indexing (eg. 1:10:2, 4 selects all the odd channels between 1 and 10 and channel 4). Possible additional features to be implemented include selection by tag and by other channel metadata.

When the channel selection is changed it emits a signal containing the list of currently selected channels. Widgets can be set to receive this signal and set the channels that they are displaying to that list.


sig_channel_selection_changed (pyqtSignal) The signal emitted when the selected channels are changed, containing a list of Channel objects



Return a list of all the currently selected Channel objects.


Return a list of channel numbers of all currently selected channels.


Set the ChannelSet used by this widget.